Vine for Android is Renewed with Interesting New Features -

Just when you thought Instragram couldn’t get any better, a brand new app appears to steal the stage. Twitter’s six-second mobile looping vide-sharing mobile app, Vine has recently been released for Android phones. This means that Android users no longer have to share dirty looks with iPhone users. As a matter of fact, Vine for Android seems to offer the exact same features that it offers to iOS phones, so this is great news.
Recently, developers have announced the biggest update yet, which will include a redesigned camera, and categories for different vine genres. This update was especially designed to increase the social networking power of the app, and also to enhance the user’s ability to become noticed by others within the app.

Android enthusiasts should be particularly interested in this update, because as we all know, Vine’s release on this platform did not go as planned from the very start. At the beginning the performance was somewhat abysmal, but thanks to the relentless efforts of developers, and hopefully the update from 12 July, Vine will start to perform better. Many users have already said that the option of revining will definitely increase the activity on the app.

If you are not yet familiar with Vine yet, you should know that the app has many of the same features that the IOS version has. This includes automatic playback and sound, popular and trending posts explorations, find friends, invite others and so on. Nevertheless, it does not have the Zoom feature, and this might cause some unsatisfied murmurs.

Vine may be only six months old, but according to Twitter it already has 13 million registered users, and more to come. Considering that it costs nothing, I actually recommend you to try it as it is not as “mainstream” as the other apps available. The artsy start-and-stop video capture feature has managed to attract many celebrities and brands, and now more than ever, it seems that Vine has the power to become a business promoter due to the introduction of “revining”. Considering that the world of smart-phones is continuously evolving, and that people are always looking for other types of content to fall in love with, we can safely say that Vine will help you waste your time in an extremely pleasurable way.

The app also includes trending hash-tags which will make content exploration on the platform a lot easier, and it also promotes badges for reputable users. Vine is absolutely fascinating, and if you don’t believe me, just take a look at these examples of videos. When Twitter CEO decided to purchase this company he said that he wants to find “the next best thing”. And it looks like he managed to do it. Much like the Twitter platform, which uses only 140 characters to send a message, Vine only requires 6 seconds to convey a visual message. Everything from handmade mini-tutorials, to commercials and motivational messages can be translated into a 6 second video.

In conclusion, Vine may very well be one of the new and upcoming visual social networks for smart-phones, and if you think about the amount of work that developers are putting into it, it becomes clear that things will only become more interesting along the way.

Author Bio:

Anna Robeson has worked with various agencies in her career, but she only consults with at the moment. In her free time she likes to play on her smart-phone, research about technology or read a good book.
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